To better days
To better days To days without sunsets To days we bask on the Son’s radiance

To better days To days without sunsets To days we bask on the Son’s radiance
Good Friday by George Herbert Since blood is fittest, Lord to writeThy sorrows in, and bloody fight;My heart hath store, write there, where inOne box […]
Immortal longings. Longing for my Maker Longing for my Saviour. Righteousness once imputed, Sparked righteousness daily imparted Once, sin reigned Now, sin subdued Soon, sin […]
Steady soul The Lamb of God has laid his life for you Your sins are atoned for. Steady soul Your God is merciful and compassionate […]
I am, only as I am my Lord’sApart from him I can do nothing.I am at my best odds,Safe with my Lord. I am truly […]
That old wound that won’t heal
Well, it will, will it?